Various Writing
last updated: 5 May 2020
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I like to dabble in creative writing. I profess no great talents in this area,
but I enjoy it so I continue to do it. I have been known to attempt
poetry, but the result is generally unpleasant (I believe
I have been able to pull it off once or twice though). I prefer to write
song lyrics (although I play no instruments), as they
require a less precise approach. I sometimes tackle short
stories, but rarely see any through to completion. Occasionally I try using
one medium (ie. writing) to critique another (ie. films,
music). And then there are the times I write because of some
sudden urge.
The following links are pieces that I feel brave enough to inflict upon the
world. Generally speaking, you'll see my writing has improved over time. If you
derive any pleasure from these, then I have no complaints. If you find them
puerile and pathetic... well, why don't you just go and find a more
interesting Web page somewhere?
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